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The Frazzled Boyfriend’s Guide for How to Put a Ring on It: 4 Tips for a Perfect Proposal

The Frazzled Boyfriend’s Guide for How to Put a Ring on It: 4 Tips for a Perfect Proposal

Given the viral popularity of elaborate engagement proposals, it's easy to see how some men might feel intimidated over popping a simple question. We'll be the first to assure you up front: you are under no obligation to put together a bombastic event unless this is something that you want to do—and something you see your partner being appreciative of. That being said, we’re sure that you’ll want the moment to be a memorable one. Below, we have a few tips on how to put together a proposal to remember:

Choose an Engagement Ring

The engagement ring is the heart of every proposal, and we’re sure that you agree. More than an accessory, it represents a man's love and devotion, and should, therefore, be chosen with care and consideration.  For many men, the process of finding the ring is as long and arduous as finding The One, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed. Cut through the chaos by keeping what’s important in mind: the woman you intend to propose to. Think of her preferences, her lifestyle, as well as her career. As the one who’s going to be wearing the ring, it’s also vital that you keep her comfort in mind. What kind of jewellery does she wear? Is she a fan of diamonds, or would she rather have an alternative centre stone? What does she do for a living, and how would a ring impact her day-to-day tasks? These are questions worth asking before heading out to a jeweller or Googling where to buy sapphire rings in Australia

Loop Her Family and Friends In

Your partner’s friends and family members are invaluable resources that can help you with your proposal, and it’s always worth cluing them into your plans. Chances are, she’ll appreciate you thinking of them as well. While it’s traditional to seek her parents’ blessing, it’s no longer necessary to obtain that specifically; instead, make a point to have a serious and respectful discussion with her family about your intent to marry, and your thoughtfulness will go a long way towards being accepted into her family. It’s up to you whether or not you’d like for them to keep it a secret!

Figure Out the Where and When

It’s also worth picking out a good place to pop the question. In many cases, the location will inform the rest of the proposal, whether you’re going with a full-blown event or keeping it small and intimate. Most people choose a location that is meaningful to them as a couple, such as the place where you had your first date or your favourite restaurant. You’ll also want to time it well. The simplest way is to propose on a day that is significant to you as a couple, such as an anniversary. Whichever date you choose, make sure it’s one that doesn’t conflict with anything major you have going on, personal or career-wise. 

Work Out How to Say It

All that’s left at this point is asking the question, but it’s perfectly understandable if you get emotional and tongue-tied in the moment. You wouldn’t be the first or the last! To address this, it’s a good idea to figure out what you’d like to say to your partner when the Big Moment arrives. You can write your thoughts down or dictate them as a voice note to yourself. There’s no need to have a script, but familiarising yourself with the words can help you remember them better later on. No matter how you choose to propose, there’s no need to feel anxious as long as it’s sincere and heartfelt. In all likelihood, your partner is already well-aware of how you feel so relax and enjoy the moment! Congratulations!